Diet Regimen Day 5 Sat Sep 11,2010
Okay, diet on Saturdays does not go together lol
- small cinnamon bun
- two bowl of rice for lunch
- eggs
- sausage
- chicken adobo
- wonton soup
- bowl of ride for dinner
- bbq chicken wings
sToRIeS oF RelaTioNshiPs, fRustRatiOns, JoYs, iMaGinATions, AchIEvEmEnts, dReAMs & prEtTYy muCh eVeRYthInG tHat dOesN't and DoES mAtTeR in liFe-:)... In my quest to find if life is a destiny or a choice. As of now, it seems like it is more of a destiny.
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