Intelligence = (Power + Knowledge) x (Tactics)
I just attended a workshop facilitated for the CGA Program of Professional Studies. The workshop emphasis tactics derived from the following equation:
Intelligence = (Power + Knowledge) x (Tactics)
According to our speaker most educator emphasis Power and Knowledge and ignore Tactics which is very critical is someone learning process. This is not intentional but rather lack of knowledge in most educators’ part. Here are the nine strategies he emphasized in the workshop that according to studies worked for most student to excel in their chosen profession:
1. 18+2 18+2 10+20 (Eighteen minutes study-two minutes break, eighteen minutes study-two minutes break, and ten minutes review-ten minutes break).
2. Checkmark Technique
3. Recite
4. SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review)
5. Split page notes
6. Mnemonics, VAK (Visual, Auditory Kinaesthetic), Loci Method (visualize a room or a route you are familiar with, mentally place items to be remembered on those spot, and “pick them up” as you mentally re-walk along the room or route whenever you need them)
7. Cue cards
8. 5R (Review, Recite, Reformulate, Relax, Read the Instruction) Exam Prep Technique
9. Allocate time to mark and circle verbs in the exam questions.
We all have different process of learning so one strategy might work for someone but not to others. But according to the speaker, choose at least two from the above strategies that will work for you. Studying towards a profession (studying period) requires a lot of time investment but at the end it is all worth it.
I walked in to the seminar wishfully thinking that the speaker will tell us something that will make my studies a lot easier and something that will not require a lot of time and I am wrong but I am still happy I did attend. I’ve learn things from the workshop that I plan on applying towards my Professional Studies. I now realize that choosing to pursue this profession need a great deal of time investment.
Note: This artic has no structure whatsoever, I simply wrote it to remind myself about the seminar and so there is something I can look into when I loss track of things or during those times where I question myself “why am I doing this?”. Something that will remind me that I did not loss a life, I just gain a focus in my life!!!