Just When I Thought I’m Over Him
Newsflash (Whitby, ON August 26, 2005) – “ Mr and Mrs. Juan Balagtas of Old Community Street announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Balastas, to Zack Lemuel Bautista the son of Mr. & Mrs. Zack Bautista Sr. of Calgary, AB. Wedding will held at St. Francis hall Calgary on 18th of September.” I felt my adrenalin racing as if there is no tomorrow.
Much to my surprise, I received an 8 ½ x 11 envelop in the mail yesterday from a friend of mine who resides in Ontario containing newspaper. At first I thought it was a joke, is she trying to tell me something? Reading newspaper is not really my thing though I know I should keep myself updated with the haps around the world unfortunately, my busy lifestyle just don’t have much room for that kind of hobby.
What could be in that newspaper that’s so important she had to send it express post? The moment of truth dropped in front of me when opened the Announcement section. For some this is just an engagement announcement but for me this is the engagement of the man who played a significant role in my life once upon a time. Zack Lemuel Bautista, how can I forget that name - my first kiss, my first love and the one who’ve stolen my heart. I thought I got my heart back from him after he left me unimaginatively shattered. For years, I thought I had my life back right after he walked out from my life. If I did why am I feeling the pain as if things just happened yesterday? Perhaps I am not over him? After all the agony I’ve gone through I couldn’t possibly still love him. This is my biggest peeve at the moment and I couldn’t get over it, just yet.
Author's note: Above is simply a pigment of a wild imagination.