Choice & Destiny
Sometimes I wonder if people can be hundred percent happy with their life or they are just living with the decisions they made and simple be contented with it?
I have been running into high school acquaintances and people around my age who have kids and/or married, most of them seem happily contended (if I may use those words together). Some of them settled down because they have to due to circumstances they’ve gotten themselves to and others because they choose to. Nevertheless, they seem to be satisfied with the choice they made and if asked how satisfying having a kid is, all of them would say “I won’t trade it with anything else in the world” with the smile in their face.
The question is, what about those who are still single? Are they less happy or less contented with their lives? In my expedition to find an answer, I have run into several people who are single ranging from the age of early 20’s to late 30’s who also seem really satisfied with their lives. Some of them admitted they've chosen to be single and others simply say they haven’t found Mr. Right(if such thing really do exist). They enjoyed the gift of freedom being single. Some views single life as a gift of being able to show compassion to the world without limitation of time and mobility.
Comparing these two situations, I have concluded that both situations have pros and cons. People cannot judge someone’s happiness based of having kids and/or husband/wife nor can they judge someone who is single.
So is life really our choice or we are simply part of the big plan made by someONE who’s power is beyond this world and we just act according to the plan and it is fixed that we cannot do anything to alter it? I simply think that we all have different purposes in life... call it a choice or destiny… that’s for you to decide.
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