Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Letter to Aristotle...

Dearest Aristotle,

I thought I would let you know that long after you’re gone your thought about education is still precise, " The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."

You are absolutely right, the roots of education is bitter & PRICY! Hmmm… I am not sure yet about the fruit though, I have a very long way before then so for now I will take your word for it. I just paid my school fees for next semester today and suffice to say I am penniless at the moment. I am not sure if something called “working-student” existed during your time. If not, then I must say things have changed quite a bit around here… being a working-student is just a norm in my world. Most people including yours truly have to find ways to finance their own studies, well that is if you really want to succeed in life.

Gone are the days where I can go to school without worrying about the financial aspect of it. And it is sadder to say; gone are the days where I take my time to savor the essence of the learning materials. If you are beside me right now, you will probably shake your head and tell me that I am missing the very essence of education but please do understand that things have changed. Yes, people still have the thirst and craving for wisdom and knowledge. However, people have different reasons why they are pursuing education. In capsule, wealth and stability play a huge factor. I am not easily influence by the world but sometimes the force is too hard to resist that even a well-determined person will give in. As years go by, the reality of life slowly ingesting the noble reason I had for pursuing my education.

I have been yearning to go to school full time again without distressing about work for years now. And I keep thinking that if I save enough then sooner or later I will be able to afford that. Well Aristotle, sooner is definitely out of the option and later is blur. Is my case hopeless? I dare not! There has to be other ways of doing this without extensive damage to my financial rating, like winning a lottery or maybe find someone to adopt me and sent me to school? Naah who am I kidding? There is only one way and that is my “own-way” (of course with the support of those who loves me.) I just have to find the way to that way.

Your poor scholar,


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