I am so confuse with pretty much everything right now. I am torn between so many things, zillions of forces forcing in different directions and it feels like there is no end to this whole confusion process.
Part of me thinks maybe it is the best time for me to do this, on the other hand part of me is saying maybe I should wait. I am torn between school, work, relationships and life itself. In order to get one thing you must sacrifice. How would I know when it is time for this and it is time for that? I thought I had it all figured out but the truth is I don’t even know what my goals anymore. It is my goal to really pursue my career or just be a bum for the rest of my life or maybe just be a full time mom or be single for the rest of my life?
At times I think I know what I want but the process of getting there seems so long and very complicated or maybe I am living the life that I want right now and I don’t even know it. What if there is nothing beyond this point, what if I should be contented at this kind of setup? I am so confuse on when I should set aside one thing and work with other ones. So how do people know when to take a chance? Am I just making life more complicated that it is? It is just me who’s so confuse feeling that the rest of the world conspired to put me in this situation and be an object of the universes’ laughter or it is true?
When or how would I reach the point where I can actually say “I am happy and satisfied?” See, to confuse things even more, in a way I am currently contented but then again I want to take a chance on doing something. When would this whole thing end so I can finally get the answers to my questions?
I think I am just blabbering for no reason at all, I am tired and exhausted – bottom I am confuse right now maybe I should just get some rest. I will just go with the flow.
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